Good Morning OilerNation! Work hard and stay positive! Have a fantastic Monday!
over 2 years ago, Superintendent Miller
Oilers vs Father McGivney at Busch Stadium today. Game time 11 am.
over 2 years ago, Leigh Robinson
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Good morning OilerNation. Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching. Have a great Thursday and remember to do GREAT things.
over 2 years ago, Superintendent Miller
Good Afternoon OilerNation- The summer construction season is beginning and there will be projects all around the EAWR campus. Please click on the attached link to preview a round-up of some of this summers key maintenance/construction projects to be completed, along with important campus closers. Have a great summer and be safe!
over 2 years ago, Leigh Robinson
Good Afternoon OilerNation- The summer construction season is beginning and there will be projects all around the EAWR campus. Please click on the attached link to preview a round-up of some of this summers key maintenance/construction projects to be completed, along with important campus closers. Have a great summer and be safe!
over 2 years ago, Superintendent Miller
Good morning OilerNation! You are the artist of your own life. Don't hand the paintbrush to anyone else. Have a great day!
over 2 years ago, Superintendent Miller
Congratulations Kaidence Reef for being selected to the Cahokia Conference All Conference Team.
over 2 years ago, Mark Beatty
Great opportunity for students interested in a career in the trades.
over 2 years ago, Leigh Robinson
OilerNation- The exclusive Senior Digital Edition of the Oiler Times can be accessed NOW by clicking on the following link or by visiting the EAWR website @ and clicking "Oiler Times" button.
over 2 years ago, Superintendent Miller
oiler times
Good Morning OilerNation! Be so busy improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others. Have a GREAT Friday!
over 2 years ago, Superintendent Miller
Good morning OilerNation! You have choices, and you're allowed to grow and change. Life is not about who you once were. It's about who you are now and who you have the potential to be. REMEMBER TO DO GREAT THINGS!
over 2 years ago, Superintendent Miller
Finals are tomorrow and Friday with an 11:55 am dismissal time. All students who are NOT exempt are required to take all finals. Please see the attached schedule for exam times. Tuesday the 31st is a make up period from 8-10:30 am for any student that missed a final due to an excused absence. Attendance is not required on Tuesday.
over 2 years ago, Leigh Robinson
Congratulations to EAWR’s Riverbend Growth Association Young Adults Committee Representatives on each winning a scholarship at today’s awards luncheon. Also a huge thank you to John Barnerd for being our students mentor. Reaghan Williams received a $1000 scholarship, Mary Nguyen received a $500 scholarship, Addison Denton received a $500 scholarship and Mia Seibert received a $500 scholarship (not pictured). Reaghan and Addison also received an additional $500 scholarship from last school year.
over 2 years ago, Leigh Robinson
**If you are needing to take summer school, registration forms are in the guidance office. **Class of 2023: The sign up for Spirit Club is in the Attendance Center. If you would like to be in Spirit Club next year please be sure to stop by and sign up because we will plan to meet over the summer. Only seniors can be part of this group. Mrs. Robinson is the sponsor so if you have questions please see her. **The exemption list will continue to be updated for attendance (tardies/unexcused absences) and obligations until the end of the day today. Students on the list have 2 or fewer tardies and no unexcused absences. Students on the list must have a C or better in each class otherwise they will be required to take the final in a class with a D or F. Students on the list can choose to take a final with a C or better to improve a grade. If you are not on the exemption list you will be required to take all finals tomorrow and Friday. If there are questions please stop by the Attendance Center.
over 2 years ago, Carla Guthrie
Happy Wednesday OilerNation! Sometimes we are tested not to show our weaknesses, but to show our strengths. Have a great day!
over 2 years ago, Superintendent Miller
End of the year party and awards for track and field. Thanks to Coach Tyler for hosting!
over 2 years ago, Mark Beatty
Oilers Baseball Team at Busch Stadium.
over 2 years ago, Leigh Robinson
The exemption list has been shared with students and obligations need to be cleared by May 25th. Students on the list must have a C or better in each class otherwise they will be required to take the final. If a student is not on the exemption list they will be required to take all finals. Finals for hours early bird, 1-3 will be Thursday with an 11:55 am dismissal and finals for hours 4-6 will be Friday with an 11:55 am dismissal. Tuesday, May 31st is a make up period for students that need to complete a final from 8-10:30 am. Students are not required to attend on May 31st. Normal morning bus routes will run on the 26th, 27th, and 31st.
over 2 years ago, Leigh Robinson
Summer school forms are available in the Guidance Office and need to be turned back in as soon as possible. Summer school begins on Thursday, June 2nd. If there are questions please contact your son or daughter’s guidance counselor.
over 2 years ago, Leigh Robinson
The EAWR Oiler Pride Band played for staff and students this morning. Great job!!!
over 2 years ago, Leigh Robinson