Oiler Nation- As many of you may know, finding substitutes has been very difficult this school year. We are anticipating a severe staff shortage on Friday, November 12th, which is the day after a non-attendance day in observance of the Veteran’s Day holiday. In anticipation of a severe staff shortage, the decision has been made to make Friday, November 12th a non-attendance day. One additional student attendance day will be added to the end of the calendar in May, making the last day (as of now) Monday, May 23rd. We hope that the creation of a long weekend will give all of us a much-needed change to relax and recharge. Best Regards, Rob Miller Superintendent
over 3 years ago, Superintendent Miller
Oiler Nation- For those of you who will be attending tonights home football game vs Red Bud, please excuse the stadiums exterior appearance because we are in the process of remodeling. The football stadium is getting a much needed facelift! We are excited to have the entire exterior and press box painted. The grey paint you currently see, is primer. We are hopeful the base coat and the striping will be completed next week weather permitting. The completed project will be exciting for the entire OILER NATION! We hope to see you tonight to cheer on our Oilers to victory! Thank you for your patience and understanding. Mr. Miller, Superintendent
over 3 years ago, Superintendent Miller
Happy Bus Driver Appreciation Day to the Oiler Bus Crew! Thank you for all you do for our students, staff and families!
over 3 years ago, Superintendent Miller
bus 2
We will have a Covid vaccination clinic at the football game this evening from 5:00-8:00. This clinic will be set up just inside door S3 which is the pass gate door on the east side of Memorial Gym facing the stadium.
over 3 years ago, Mark Beatty
Vax clinic
Game day
Today is Friday, October 22, 2021 **Next Wednesday there will be a meeting in the auditorium during academic lab for junior and senior students who are interested in helping out with this year's Oiler Olympics. If you would like to attend the meeting, please see Mrs. Kinkel in the cafe or Mrs. Boyd for a pass. Students without passes will not be able to attend the meeting that day. **Seniors! There will be a workshop for you and your parent/guardian to attend next Monday at 6:00 in the east building courtyard. We will discuss financial aid for college and will help you fill out the FAFSA. The FAFSA is something you need to fill out for graduation and also if you plan to attend college. Please let Mrs. Struif know if you will be attending. **JFL is looking for volunteers to help with concessions and chain gang at this Sunday’s games at 11:30 and 1:30. If interested, please sign up in the Attendance Center. **Booster Club needs volunteers for tonight’s football game from 6:30-9 pm. If interested please sign up in the Google doc shared by Mrs Robinson. **Big Sisters: There is a meeting today during academic lab in the auditorium. **Come fall into a new book. The library is now open with a wide selection of fiction and non-fiction books with many new titles on the way. Come see us during academic lab." **There will be a mandatory meeting for all BOYS who plan to bowl in room M221 next Monday during academic lab. Important paperwork will be given, as well as other information regarding practice starting next Tuesday. **After Prom is selling Cardinal Calendars as a fundraiser. Forms were passed out at the assembly Tuesday but if you didn't get an order form please stop by the Attendance Center to pick one up. Calendars are $16 and all money and order forms are due by November 12th. **The cafe will be closing at 11:15 today and will reopen on Monday morning at 7:30am. We will not be open during lunch hours today. **Student Council is hosting a pumpkin painting contest. We will paint pumpkins in the courtyard after school on Wednesday and all materials will be provided. Space is limited to 20 people, so if you would like to participate, sign up in the attendance center ASAP. All pumpkins will be entered into a contest held on Thursday and Friday and winner will receive a gift card! **Any girl that is interested in playing softball in the spring needs to meet in the auditorium during academic lab next Tuesday, October 26th. We will have a short meeting with important information about the start of the season. Stop by the attendance center for a pass to attend. **Any Junior or Senior student interested in attending Lewis & Clark Community College next fall, should plan on attending an informational meeting on Monday, October 25th from 5 - 6 pm in the East Building. LCCC will have faculty available to answer various questions you may have. Parents are welcome!!!!
over 3 years ago, Carla Guthrie
over 3 years ago, Superintendent Miller
It’s a great day to be a OILER! If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you! Have an awesome Friday!
over 3 years ago, Superintendent Miller
Congratulations Carson Reef on his selection to the Cahokia All Conference Team for soccer! He now has earned All Conference honors in both golf and soccer.
over 3 years ago, Mark Beatty
All Conference
Last home volleyball game of the year—EAWR vs Breese Central
over 3 years ago, Leigh Robinson
Today is Thursday, October 21, 2021 **On Wednesday, October 27, there will be a meeting in the auditorium during academic lab for junior and senior students who are interested in helping out with this year's Oiler Olympics. If you would like to attend the meeting, please see Mrs. Kinkel in the cafe or Mrs. Boyd for a pass. Students without passes will not be able to attend the meeting that day. **Seniors! There will be a workshop for you and your parent/guardian to attend on October 25th at 6:00 in the east building courtyard. We will discuss financial aid for college and will help you fill out the FAFSA. The FAFSA is something you need to fill out for graduation and also if you plan to attend college. Please let Mrs. Struif know if you will be attending. **There will be a girls basketball meeting today during academic lab in the auditorium. Please stop by attendance for a pass to attend. **JFL is looking for volunteers to help with concessions and chain gang at this Sunday’s games at 11:30 and 1:30. If interested, please sign up in the Attendance Center. **Booster Club needs volunteers for tomorrow night's football game from 6:30-9 pm. If interested please sign up in the Google doc shared by Mrs Robinson. **Big Sisters: Please check our Google Classroom page for information about our next meeting tomorrow during Academic lab in the Auditorium. Stop by Mrs. Miller or Mrs. Parmentier’s room for a Walk-a-Thon sponsor page. **Come fall into a new book. The library is now open with a wide selection of fiction and non-fiction books with many new titles on the way. Come see us during academic lab." **The graduation date has been set! It will be May 11th! **After Prom is selling Cardinal Calendars as a fundraiser. Forms were passed out at the assembly Tuesday but if you didn't get an order form please stop by the Attendance Center to pick one up. Calendars are $16 and all money and order forms are due by November 12th. **The cafe will be closing at 11:15 today and will reopen on Monday morning at 7:30am. We will not be open during lunch hours today.
over 3 years ago, Carla Guthrie
REMEMBER TO DO GREAT THINGS TODAY OILERS! You don’t have to be perfect to be amazing!
over 3 years ago, Superintendent Miller
Juniors/Seniors Lewis and Clark Community College will be on campus to meet with junior and senior students and parents on Monday, October 25th from 5-6 pm in the East Building Courtyard. Seniors Following LCCC's presentation will be the Financial Aid and FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) Night from 6:00 p.m in the East Building Courtyard. The FAFSA is an application that all seniors attending college in Fall 2022 must complete for Federal student aid. Financial Aid Experts will be available to help parents complete the application. Space is limited, so please contact Mrs. Struif in the Guidance Department at mstruif@eawr.org or 618-254-3151 ext 2532 to reserve a seat.
over 3 years ago, Leigh Robinson
LCCC Flyer
FAFSA Letter
Today is Wednesday, October 20, 2021 **On Wednesday, October 27, there will be a meeting in the auditorium during academic lab for junior and senior students who are interested in helping out with this year's Oiler Olympics. If you would like to attend the meeting, please see Mrs. Kinkel in the cafe or Mrs. Boyd for a pass. Students without passes will not be able to attend the meeting that day. **Seniors! There will be a workshop for you and your parent/guardian to attend on October 25th at 6:00. We will discuss financial aid for college and will help you fill out the FAFSA. The FAFSA is something you need to fill out for graduation and also if you plan to attend college. Please let Mrs. Struif know if you will be attending. **There will be a girls basketball meeting tomorrow during academic lab in the auditorium. Please stop by attendance for a pass to attend. **JFL is looking for volunteers to help with concessions and chain gang at this Sunday’s games at 11:30 and 1:30. If interested, please sign up in the Attendance Center. **Booster Club needs volunteers for Friday night's football game from 6:30-9 pm. If interested please sign up in the Google doc shared by Mrs Robinson. **Big Sisters: Please check our Google Classroom page for information about our next meeting this Friday during Academic lab in the Auditorium. Stop by Mrs. Miller or Mrs. Parmentier’s room for a Walk-a-Thon sponsor page. **There will be a brief meeting today for all students interested in participating in Scholar Bowl this year. We will meet in Mrs. Miller's room (E224) at 2:35. **The WRPD and WRFD will be meeting with freshmen and sophomores during academic lab today. They will discuss drills/safety procedures and show the run/fight/hide and Parkland videos. **Come fall into a new book. The library is now open with a wide selection of fiction and non-fiction books with many new titles on the way. Come see us during academic lab." **The graduation date has been set! It will be May 11th!
over 3 years ago, Carla Guthrie
over 3 years ago, Superintendent Miller
Today's athletic schedule
over 3 years ago, Mark Beatty
Today's Athletic Schedule
Great job by Ms Arment and the EAWR Oiler Times Staff on the September Edition of the school newspaper.
over 3 years ago, Leigh Robinson
Juniors and Seniors Lewis and Clark College will be on campus to meet with junior and senior students and parents on Monday, October 25th from 5-6 pm in the East Building Courtyard. Following the LCCC meeting is the FAFSA workshop at 6 pm for senior students and parents.
over 3 years ago, Leigh Robinson
LCCC Flyer
JOIN THE EAWR FAMILY.... Please see the attached job posting! Pass along to anyone who might be interested! REMEMBER TO DO GREAT THINGS!
over 3 years ago, Superintendent Miller
Today is Tuesday, October 19, 2021 **On Wednesday, October 27, there will be a meeting in the auditorium during academic lab for junior and senior students who are interested in helping out with this year's Oiler Olympics. If you would like to attend the meeting, please see Mrs. Kinkel in the cafe or Mrs. Boyd for a pass. Students without passes will not be able to attend the meeting that day. **Seniors! There will be a workshop for you and your parent/guardian to attend on October 25th at 6:00. We will discuss financial aid for college and will help you fill out the FAFSA. The FAFSA is something you need to fill out for graduation and also if you plan to attend college. Please let Mrs. Struif know if you will be attending. **There will be a girls basketball meeting this Thursday during academic lab in the auditorium. Please stop by attendance for a pass to attend. **JFL is looking for volunteers to help with concessions and chain gang at this Sunday’s games at 11:30 and 1:30. If interested, please sign up in the Attendance Center. **Booster Club needs volunteers for Friday night's football game from 6:30-9 pm. If interested please sign up in the Google doc shared by Mrs Robinson. **Big Sisters: Please check our Google Classroom page for information about our next meeting this Friday during Academic lab in the Auditorium. Stop by Mrs. Miller or Mrs. Parmentier’s room for a Walk-a-Thon sponsor page. **There will be a brief meeting tomorrow for all students interested in participating in Scholar Bowl this year. We will meet in Mrs. Miller's room (E224) at 2:35. **The WRPD and WRFD will be meeting with juniors/seniors during academic lab today and freshmen/sophomores during academic lab tomorrow. They will discuss drills/safety procedures and show the run/fight/hide and Parkland videos.
over 3 years ago, Carla Guthrie
BE GREAT TODAY OILERS! Have an awesome Tuesday!
over 3 years ago, Superintendent Miller